Travelling tittle-tattle, tall tales and shameless name-dropping by Jon ‘Don’t Call Me’ Norman

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London, United Kingdom

Monday, 28 January 2019

What I think about when I’m watching the cricket

What time will this match finish / Do I want to go out tonight / Has that money gone in or out my account / What’s for lunch / Any chance of a wicket / Is there anything on my to-do list that I can do / How will the sunburnt and drunk spectators feel when they wake up tomorrow morning / Why can’t batsmen bat any more / The shadows are starting to appear around the ankles of the players / Is that a rain cloud on the horizon / England have been lucky / England have been unlucky / Have children ever come to Test matches or was it just me / How many football matches can you fit into a five Test series / God, it looks cold out there / How is there still 42 overs left in the day / How was that not given out / It’s hot in here / Half the crowd here look bored out of their minds / I’ve eaten too much sugar today / What’s the football score / What’s the weather like tomorrow / What can I write about / Back to back Tests are a killer / I wonder if I could take a day off in the Oval Test and spend it with my family getting drunk watching the cricket / That’s a strange fielding position / I could do with a cup of tea / Wonder if I have enough time to go for a wee before the end of the advert break / What are New Zealand’s fixtures in 2020 / What time will I get home tomorrow / When will I see Franklin next

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