It’s to her continual
annoyance that when I recount to friends how it was that my wife and I came to meet it isn’t the stars aligning that I thank, nor a wondrous one-in-a-million
against all odds chance that we met in a country neither of us hold a passport
for. Instead I put the thanks squarely
at the feet of cricket. Cricket, luvly cricket.
I pitched up
in Sydney to witness the final throws of England’s disastrous 5-0 defeat in
early 2007 & soon after cast eyes on her at a BBQ – where else? Such was her insouciance towards sport that despite
having lived in Australia for two years she didn’t know who Shane Warne
was. She does now. Albeit begrudgingly.
She's about as interested in sport as she is in reading my 'blog. As hard as
she tries to escape games as easily as she did as a teenager marrying a sports
journalist has put paid to that. It has invaded
her life in ways she could never have imagined as she made her way to a party
in the south west of Sydney on a balmy night; unaware of what life changing
event was about to unfold.
In our first
four years together she drew sympathy from all quarters as I travelled off for
weeks on end to ‘work’ on the cricket. I
missed her birthday in Auckland to watch England lose in Hamilton & the
following year opted for five weeks in the Caribbean rather than being by her
side for another birthday, our anniversary & Valentine’s Day. She got me back by burning down our kitchen.
While she
put the final touches to our wedding preparations (which coincidentally took
place in New Zealand ten days after the 2010/11 Ashes) I spent it on a two
month stag do in Australia as England atoned for that 5-0 defeat with a
thoroughly enjoyable 3-1 win. And then
we got married.
began that same year. While I knuckled
down to my new job producing Keys & Gray she landed a five month singing
gig in Macau. KAPOW! A twelve hour flight just to be able to see
her! BANG! This was followed up the following winter
with a four month stint on a Musical in Frankfurt. KABOOM!
At least I didn’t have to move back to the folks this time. BLAAAAAM!!!!
However after
a hiatus of two and half years (feel free to skate over the three weeks I spent in Poland for Euro 2012 and the six Champions League trips to Europe) where I’ve been on the UK receiving end of the
Skype phone calls I’ve re-joined cricket’s media circus for the Ashes summer.
It may be 12 hour days & weekend breaks
rather than month long excursions but it’s nice to be back on the road getting
paid to watch something live that I would only be watching on TV anyway.
I’m earning
my money though. Following cricket at
your own leisure allows you to dip in and out depending on whether England is
getting battered or not. Working in cricket is rather different.
The days are
long with 6am alarm calls the norm & re-appearances back at the hotel
rarely before 9pm. Like the game itself
it’s a bit of a slog at times. And they
say nurses have it hard.
Not that the
opening test of the summer at Trent Bridge required any diversion. It was perhaps the greatest test I’ve ever
seen. Five days of action in its true sense. Wickets, runs, controversy, record
breaking, astounding feats, dramatic collapses with the lead switching hands
repeatedly. It was a game that had
simply everything apart from a comedy run out involving Shane Watson. You can’t have it all.
It is the
first test I have ever seen without a passage of play following its expected
path. A game that’s only consistency was
its ability to confound. I was
spellbound for its entirety & so rooted to my chair that I trapped a small
nerve in my back which has left me hobbling around ever since.
The second
test started off in the same fashion with twenty three wickets falling in the
first two days, more DRS incidents, another epic Ian Bell hundred and even a comedy
run out. And then? Snooooooze.
Day two was
the day the Aussies lost the Ashes. Day
three was the day England gave them time to think about it. Day four when they rammed it home. After seven frenetic days of topsy-turvy
cricket the last two offered no deviation from the script. For the first time since the tour started I needed something to keep me entertained.
Test cricket
is a sport that takes up six hours a day, five of them in a week, meaning at
times there is a skill to watching it.
There are similarities between seeing off a particularly dull session
& getting through a health & safety meeting.
particularly painful sessions patience, an active imagination & the ability
to take an interest in life’s minutiae is crucial. Two flies having sex will see you right for
an hour or so, a plane writing a message in the sky as excellent excuse as any
to avoid watching Ricky Ponting move inexorably towards his double hundred.
Not that
it’s always this bad. The morning
session usually zips by regardless of score or incident. The novelty of a new day, the day’s first
drops of caffeine, fresh articles to consume, emails, Twitter & Facebook to
peruse mean that even the more turgid Paul Collingwood innings can be assessed
with a pleasant frame of mind.
The first 45
minutes after lunch is normally a pleasant experience as food settles & you
get re-introduced to the game. And then
it can get difficult. The coffee stops working as the oxygen in your brain heads towards the stomach in a bid to break down the tasty yet sometimes stodgy luncheon.
It's around this time I usually venture away from the press corps to submerge within the fans. To get a reminder of what it means to those
who have taken time off work and spent a lot of money to attend. To soak up the conversations in the stands,
take in the smells, the sights, the sounds of the Barmy Army singing their
familiar songs. Then there’s the sun a constant companion overseas & for one summer only a visitor to these shores as well.
There is no
better place to let the mind pleasantly wander, to strike up a chat with a
stranger (cricket fans are an approachable & amusing bunch) to cheer loudly at an England four
or the fall of an opponent’s wicket. In
essence to be a fan again.
And then when
it gets a little too sweaty & the songs a little too repetitive it is back
to the coolness of the press room sated, inspired and deeply satisfied. Sometimes accompanied with plenty of fresh
material for another of my other constant travelling companion; my old trusty ‘blog.
For it was
while staring at my pasty reflection on the black backdrop of a tube window on
the way back from Lord’s that my mind drifted to this ‘blog. From 2006 to 2010 I updated it regularly
while on my travels & every now and again while at home. Maybe now was the time to get it back up and running.
the cricket slowed down, England began to dominate and the action started
following a path well worn (albeit in reverse) it gave me time to contemplate
writing again. It was just a question of
I’m following this tour alone and
in a far more professional capacity than in tours gone by when all I had to do
was look to my left for inspiration. And as interesting as Nottingham & London are they are far too familiar to get that excited by. A tube ride to Lord's doesn't conjure quite the inspiration a ferry trip to the SCG.
there is a real sense of achievement writing a ‘blog and creating the tiniest little slice of
something that didn’t exist before. While it sure is enjoyable having all my memories of over the last six years so readily to hand. Being able to dip in and out of moments that I could otherwise forget.
soon as an article is posted there is a temporary feeling of calm (almost
relief) that an idea that has been squirreling around in my head for the past
few days has been put to bed. That
feeling lasts for a while before the desire or urge to write again begins
anew. Or something happens that just
leads itself immediately to being described.
I’m not the
fastest writer but pieces like these can be done and dusted
within half an hour. Others can take forever to complete with re-writes,
re-jigging of paragraphs & ripping up of the introduction. I began this article on day two of the Lord’s
test now it’s the night before I head up to Manchester. I’m a little rusty.
However when in the zone, with an idea that wouldn't look out of place as a glint in the eye, then writing a 'blog is an absolute pleasure. And while the words haven’t flowed as I know they can do with this entry, while I’ve crunched through the gears rather than
clicked I
know once I get this one out there the next will be easier to produce. All of which
just leaves the question of what to write about and will my wife read it?